Ian Connor in front of a large Borinda fungosa at Rhododendron Species Foundation in Federal Way WA
Photos copyright: Ned Jaquith, Bamboo Garden 2019

Borinda fungosa newly planted
Newly planted Borinda fungosa showing showing reddish culms

Borinda fungosa

Height: 18 feet
Diameter: 1 inch
Hardiness: 25
° F
USDA Zone recommended 8 through 9, not for climates with high heat and humidity (southeastern states).

Borinda fungosa was introduced as seed from China in 1993 as a Fargesia. It is larger and more vigorous than most Fargesias. The culms turn a burgundy-red when exposed to morning sun. It has larger leaves than most of our Fargesias and will prosper in milder parts of the Pacific Northwest and California if planted in partial shade. In the winter of 2003/2004 we had an early heavy frost here in Portland, OR that damaged new culms, but all plants have recovered fully.  It has a beautiful leaf pattern, and forms a full, lush screen in the right environment.

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